

Posts in The Sidekick
Songs For Children by The Sidekick Rulz Now Available!

A Message From The Sidekick:

"My older brother Dave Wirth is such an insufferable know-it-all. I swear, he's such a loser. He's got you fooled! Don't believe a word he says! He's a loser face who doesn't know anything at all! He's a nerdfacelooserbrainstupdhead!!!1 What a butthead! What an annoying soccer jock! He thinks he's god's gift to music and he's not!!!!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!! ahshdfhdjhhfjdhfa;wnerioqw93ngnsd!!!! What a stupid!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Ahem, okay, this is why my little brother doesn't get to use my computer. I took his computer away from him long ago so that he doesn't put this dribble out there and clog up the internet. This is what I get for being generous and putting his music out...

The world most strange mashup of children's melodies and metal is out today...

The Sidekick’s new record Songs For Children is probably the wildest, most kinetic, most joyful, most demanding, most insane album of 2020, if not the decade

Songs For Children mashes up metal, IDM, experimental, jungle electronica, and childrens melodies all into one weirdly intense experience. Seriously. It’s like Melt Banana and Messugah and Judy Garland got into a fight armed to the teeth with switchblades and there is blood everywhere.

Don’t judge this book by it’s cover: Songs For Children is without a doubt the most demented album you will ever hear.

Songs For Children by The Sidekick Rulz is ready for pre-order!

What’s the music like?!?

Songs For Children mashes up metal, IDM, experimental, jungle electronica, and childrens melodies all into one weirdly intense experience. Seriously. It’s like Melt Banana and Messugah and Judy Garland got into a massive fight involving switchblades and there is blood and body parts everywhere.

Don’t judge this book by it’s cover: Songs For Children is without a doubt the most demented album you will ever hear. 

Who is The Sidekick Rulz?

According to the Austin Museum of Digital Art, this is who The Sidekick Rulz is:

Who’s inside the costume? Who’s behind the mask? And why is he dancing around like your little brother jacked up on too much soda pop? Nobody knows who The Sidekick is; he prefers to remain anonymous, an enigma. Austin, Texas is his home base - that’s all we know for certain. His music could either be the soundtrack to an 8-bit video game or they could be playing on a boom box in a home video of people smoking crack.

The Sidekick’s music is the soundtrack to your favorite 8-bit video game, built from dreams, humor, and a pixel smashing vitality. His EM Records debut album, “SAGA!…the story of a boy and his computer,” is an aural reminder of a time when Super Mario ruled the screen, electronic music was the sound your Nintendo made.

The Sidekick’s new record Songs For Children is probably the wildest, most kinetic, most joyful, most demanding, most insane album of 2020, if not the decade, and it can be all yours on September 9th.

Twirl In My Bedroom, Make Mommy Mad, from Get Up and SCREAM!!! by The Sidekick
The Sidekick: Get Up and SCREAM!!! (in the middle of the night)

Imagine you are having the most incredible night of dreams. In one, you are whistling a tune on top of a thundercloud. In another, you are speeding far beyond the speed of light in your brand new intergalactic hovercraft. Vivid dreaming is what this Sidekick record is all about.

Now Released: Get Up and SCREAM (in the middle of the night)

Imagine you are having the most incredible night of dreams. In one, you are whistling a tune on top of a thundercloud. In another, you are speeding far beyond the speed of light in your brand new intergalactic hovercraft. Imagine yourself waking up with nothing but a vague feeling that you had an extraordinary night of sleep, filled with monsters, incredible kung-fu, and life-enlarging tales to tell your grandchildren (if they would only listen). 

The long awaited follow up the The Sidekick’s first record has finally arrived. This time around, expect 36 action packed, kung-fu laden, sleepy time minutes of music worthy of either making you gesticulate wildly in the comfort of your own home or brave enough to shout obscenities at potential muggers. 

Get your electronic spaz attack on. Do it.

Get Up and SCREAM! (in the middle of the night), The Sidekick, 8-31-12

You are about to be enlightened about The Sidekick. Here’s a portrait courtesy of the Austin Museum of Digital Art:

Who’s inside the costume? Who’s behind the mask? And why is he dancing around like your little brother jacked up on too much soda pop? Nobody knows who The Sidekick is; he prefers to remain anonymous, an enigma. Austin, Texas is his home base - that’s all we know for certain. His music could either be the soundtrack to an 8-bit video game or they could be playing on a boom box in a home video of people smoking crack.

The Sidekick’s music is the soundtrack to your favorite 8-bit video game, built from dreams, humor, and a pixel smashing vitality. His EM Records debut album, “SAGA!…the story of a boy and his computer,” is an aural reminder of a time when Super Mario ruled the screen, electronic music was the sound your Nintendo made.

It would seem that the Sidekick had made some good friends with the Daily Texan after one of his many performances at the AMODA:

…technot musician and superhero wannabe The Sidekick danced maniacally onstage with such infectious energy the audience couldn’t help but smile. Nothing of The Sidekick is known except that he calls Austin home, loves to dance and captures listeners with his latest album, “Saga!… the story of a boy and his computer.” Saga is a journey into the world of a 12-year-old boy who loves 8-bit video games. At the end of the performance, The Sidekick waved goodbye to the audience, packed up his equipment and left the club. Leaving audiences to wonder in his wake, just who is the man behind the mask and the melodies.

Halie Pratt

Now comes time for le Sidekick’s second album release, just a mere seven years later. Bear with me, The Sidekick expressed his wish to explain his absence:

Hello there adoring fans and public! I BETCHA you peepioples feel REAL safe out there knowing a 12 YEAR OLD vigilante makes the streets safe from BAD monsters and evil villains. BUT ALAS, i cannot cover all the ground. I needed extra training in the form of Master Diis from the Samardic mountains (DON’T ASK LONG STORY). I have better kungfu now! the streetz are going to be SAFE. HAVE FUN WITH THIS SECOND RECORD.

Well, there you have it, kind of. Anyhow, this album will be released on the 31st of August in 2012. Here’s the track listing:

  1. twirl in my bedroom, make mommy mad
  2. ease does it
  3. bingo
  4. sleepy dream freedom
  5. the intergalactic hovercraft
  6. I like fairy tales
  7. get up and SCREAM
  8. REM sleep twist sheets
  9. junk-a-tron
  10. there is no love boat

Stay tuned. More details to follow on this record, including samples of the songs.

SAGA! by The Sidekick, Rereleased for Download

SAGA! …the story of a boy and his computer, was originally released in 2004.  Mr. Sidekick finally figured it was in his best interests to let his music be rereleased (it took some convincing). Upon being asked about the reissue: 

Wait, you? Seriousy? I mean, wha? Why? Youre a freaking loser and I don’t know why were even talking, poop-head. 


Okay then, green light. If you are looking for light-hearted, fun, naive electronic music, look no further.