

"It's time to demonstrate the nature of nihilistic rock in your earbuds"

By Chris Romans of Heartheindie.com.

Sprightly Moans, the musical outlet of duo Dave Wirth and Jeff Olson, is a strange rock act with it’s sight on deconstructing the philosophical underpinnings of music, as well as the common economic structure found within the music industry. Demos II, an aptly titled mini-album of sorts, showcases 3 tracks from this band with a brief but definitive run time of about 12 minutes. At times through my multiple listens through this music it can be difficult to really pin it down. From the opening minutes, the influence from garage punk and metal bands was obvious, but this is also something more than just that.  

To read the rest of this review, please go to www.heartheindie.com.

Sprightly Moans: Demos II