

Demos II, Sprightly Moans, Now Available
Sprightly Moans: Demos II
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Demos II is the second of four releases that Sprightly Moans will be doing in 2013. We’ve only made about 30 (beautiful origami, black felt card-stock with white ink) copies of Demos II, so if you’d like to get one of these collector’s edition releases, you’ll have to act quickly. How?

You can always try to contact us directly. No guarantees! Sorry! But, if you were to jump on our newsletter, we will give priority to you for all future releases like this.

Demos I, Sprightly Moans, Released
Sprightly Moans: Demos I
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Demos I is the first of four releases that Sprightly Moans will be doing in 2013. Each “release” we do will be special edition, meaning that each copy will be individually numbered and signed by us. Each will include three songs and rest assured that each disk is perfectly silver.

These releases are free for the taking, but you need to reserve them ahead of time because they go quickly. The best way to assure yourself a copy is by jumping on the Sprightly Moans mailing list. 

Syrup by Evil Gima Now Released
Evil Gima: Syrup
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Syrup came from a simple idea: record a lot of ambient, textural piano and slow it down. This roughly twenty five minute song was slowed down by 75%, and is now available for your phase-out-and-stare-at-a-wall-for-an-hour pleasure.

Cover art is a derivative of A failure in fly-paper by Friedrich Graetz.

Now Released: Get Up and SCREAM (in the middle of the night)

Imagine you are having the most incredible night of dreams. In one, you are whistling a tune on top of a thundercloud. In another, you are speeding far beyond the speed of light in your brand new intergalactic hovercraft. Imagine yourself waking up with nothing but a vague feeling that you had an extraordinary night of sleep, filled with monsters, incredible kung-fu, and life-enlarging tales to tell your grandchildren (if they would only listen). 

The long awaited follow up the The Sidekick’s first record has finally arrived. This time around, expect 36 action packed, kung-fu laden, sleepy time minutes of music worthy of either making you gesticulate wildly in the comfort of your own home or brave enough to shout obscenities at potential muggers. 

Get your electronic spaz attack on. Do it.

Get Up and SCREAM! (in the middle of the night), The Sidekick, 8-31-12

You are about to be enlightened about The Sidekick. Here’s a portrait courtesy of the Austin Museum of Digital Art:

Who’s inside the costume? Who’s behind the mask? And why is he dancing around like your little brother jacked up on too much soda pop? Nobody knows who The Sidekick is; he prefers to remain anonymous, an enigma. Austin, Texas is his home base - that’s all we know for certain. His music could either be the soundtrack to an 8-bit video game or they could be playing on a boom box in a home video of people smoking crack.

The Sidekick’s music is the soundtrack to your favorite 8-bit video game, built from dreams, humor, and a pixel smashing vitality. His EM Records debut album, “SAGA!…the story of a boy and his computer,” is an aural reminder of a time when Super Mario ruled the screen, electronic music was the sound your Nintendo made.

It would seem that the Sidekick had made some good friends with the Daily Texan after one of his many performances at the AMODA:

…technot musician and superhero wannabe The Sidekick danced maniacally onstage with such infectious energy the audience couldn’t help but smile. Nothing of The Sidekick is known except that he calls Austin home, loves to dance and captures listeners with his latest album, “Saga!… the story of a boy and his computer.” Saga is a journey into the world of a 12-year-old boy who loves 8-bit video games. At the end of the performance, The Sidekick waved goodbye to the audience, packed up his equipment and left the club. Leaving audiences to wonder in his wake, just who is the man behind the mask and the melodies.

Halie Pratt

Now comes time for le Sidekick’s second album release, just a mere seven years later. Bear with me, The Sidekick expressed his wish to explain his absence:

Hello there adoring fans and public! I BETCHA you peepioples feel REAL safe out there knowing a 12 YEAR OLD vigilante makes the streets safe from BAD monsters and evil villains. BUT ALAS, i cannot cover all the ground. I needed extra training in the form of Master Diis from the Samardic mountains (DON’T ASK LONG STORY). I have better kungfu now! the streetz are going to be SAFE. HAVE FUN WITH THIS SECOND RECORD.

Well, there you have it, kind of. Anyhow, this album will be released on the 31st of August in 2012. Here’s the track listing:

  1. twirl in my bedroom, make mommy mad
  2. ease does it
  3. bingo
  4. sleepy dream freedom
  5. the intergalactic hovercraft
  6. I like fairy tales
  7. get up and SCREAM
  8. REM sleep twist sheets
  9. junk-a-tron
  10. there is no love boat

Stay tuned. More details to follow on this record, including samples of the songs.

The Double Headed Seagulls II: Piano, to be released on August 7th, 2012

When you savor your favorite record from start to finish, time disappears. It’s no secret that us musicphiles fill our living rooms bursting with the music we love just so we can have that, over and over again. Although sometimes it’s easiest to grab only one track of an artist, it’s the sound of a sequence of songs that makes time disappear. We know it, and that’s why we’re snobs about music.

The most immediate benefit of listening to The Double Headed Seagulls’s record Piano is that each song builds a memory that takes a long time to disperse; the memory lasts a good minute into the next song. The transition between the songs is even more important than music itself. In music parlance, it’s the notes off the page that matter. This record is really meant to savored from one song to the next.

If you’re a dork about music, you’ll enjoy this challenging take on minimalism and trance, and it can be your on August 7th, 2012. If you’d like to be lazy and have info on Piano delivered to you, sign up to my email newsletter.

Here’s the track listing, in typical Double Headed Seagulls style:

  1. 01
  2. 02
  3. 03
  4. 04
  5. 05
  6. 06
  7. 07
  8. 08
  9. 09
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12

Once again, if you want info on Piano delivered to you, subscribe to my email newsletter.

SAGA! by The Sidekick, Rereleased for Download

SAGA! …the story of a boy and his computer, was originally released in 2004.  Mr. Sidekick finally figured it was in his best interests to let his music be rereleased (it took some convincing). Upon being asked about the reissue: 

Wait, you? Seriousy? I mean, wha? Why? Youre a freaking loser and I don’t know why were even talking, poop-head. 


Okay then, green light. If you are looking for light-hearted, fun, naive electronic music, look no further.

Wil Dalton Collaborations

Wil Dalton and I both did work as Americorps volunteers back from when I first moved to Austin. Wil is an interesting guy, a fabulous writer, and a hilarious performer. I clearly remember how much fun we had producing four of his songs. My absolute favorite song to do was I Got A Gun.

<a href=“http://wildalton.bandcamp.com/track/i-got-a-gun” data-mce-href=“http://wildalton.bandcamp.com/track/i-got-a-gun”>I Got A Gun by Wil Dalton, Dave Wirth</a>

If you are interested, check Wil’s music out here: wildalton.bandcamp.com

To Be Released April 3rd: Aggression — The Shikes

Aggression, from The Shikes, is a petite collection of three songs that took roughly six years to find the light of day. This short album will be released on April 3rd, 2012, from this website only.

Options for downloading are:

  • 192 kbps Download for $3
  • Lossless Download (wav or aif format) for $6

Here’s the tracklisting:

  1. it’s gone a spring song
  2. sit, think, make, say, do
  3. trouble in the height of spring

If you would like to be lazy and have this info delivered to you, subscribe to my email newsletter, hit the RSS feed of this website, or do the Twitter thing.

The beautiful cover for Aggression was created by David Hobizal. The Shikes also have a colorful website that’s worth 30 seconds of your time. My suggestion is to repeately hit the word “Colorize.” Many thanks to my good friend Mike Strosaker for helping me out with the site.

Sweet Lee Morrow set to release full length on Good Records

**update, 2-14-12**

I was indeed lucky enough to record Jesse Hester’s new record, but I was mistaken on the distribution. Good Records will be releasing Good To Be Glad, amongst others, on their singles label:


Three years ago, I was lucky enough to produce Jesse Hester’s new record. Now, it’s going to be available at Good Records, of Polyphonic Spree fame. Sweet.