

Day 1: Quadratic Residue Diffuser Build

I have long wished to build my own quadratic residue diffuser for my humble studio. Today was the first day of the process! I’ll be posting more details as things progress.

A big concern of mine is bang for the buck. More than anything, I wanted to find a design that was put through a battery of scientific tests before I shelled out my money on it. I’m very suspicious of anyone writing a review on just about any acoustic product website that says: “it sounds awesome, buy it.” I needed more assurance than that! I wanted a diffuser that the company took the time and tested in an anechoic chamber with well-calibrated equipment and a scientific process. After tons of research on companies that offer acoustic diffusion products, I settled on Acoustic Fields’ QD23:


Acoustic Fields can send you a QD23, but if you have a DIY spirit, you can also purchase the build plans on their website and build it yourself. I previously bought some other products from Acoustic Fields, and I can’t say enough positive things about them.

After purchasing the build plans for the diffuser and paying my friend from AMBO Guitars (a superior woodworker) to help me with the build, today was the first day we jumped in. We purchased the wood from Austin Fine Lumber and Plywood in North Austin. Our goal today was to cut the pieces we’d need to assemble. Here’s the progression:

Coming Up Next…

My job this week is to get some more wood from Austin Fine Lumber and Plywood, purchase wood screws, and purchase the stain I would like to use.

More to come… stay tuned.

Crisp Lips to be featured at the Denver Undergound Film Festival

Buy Tickets Here!

Become transformed into a new person by watching Crisp Lips, a film about a cold-sore epidemic in a sterile, post-apocalyptic and oppressive restaurant, at the Denver Underground Film Festival. This film includes an epic dance scene that lasts 30 minutes. Crisp Lips  is showing on Sunday!

I’m totally psyched for Madison Bounds and the movie we worked on together. Be sure to get there to watch his wonderful debut film, and please tell him I said Hi.  

The death of idea generating places?

Here’s a quote from Alan Fletcher’s book “The Art of Looking Sideways”: 

 Ivan Chermayeff does much of his thinking in taxies, Lon Dorfsman on planes, Steve Guarnaccia on the subway. Designers also talk of getting ideas when they are on the sleep borderland...”

Challenge: Can you successfully not pick up your smart phone in a taxi, on a plane, on the subway, or in that sweet transition from sleep to wakefulness? Can you do this in the service of idea generation? 

MySpace commits musical suicide

According to the BBC: 

 MySpace, one of the first online social networks, has apologised after a server migration caused a huge loss of data.

A message on its website says that "any photos, videos and audio files" uploaded more than three years ago may no longer be available.

There had been complaints going back several months that links to music were no longer working.

Another reason why we shouldn’t be so eager to build houses on an unsteady foundations.