Here’s a thought, according to the BBC, people have creative peaks in their 20’s and 50’s. This means for any creative in their 40’s, the next creative spurt is yet to come:
“Professor Weinberg says that young people who feel they’ve got more to accomplish should keep going.
”Someone who is experimental and is accumulating knowledge gradually over time is someone who really, really should not give up.
”I mean we don’t necessarily know how eminent they will get and how their achievements will be.
”But for that type of person they will do their best work - at least their best innovative work - later in their careers and they should be aware of that and keep going.””
The Austin Entertainment Business group has taken a step into a much larger circle, and last night’s meetup of entertainment professionals was proof of its ascent. Over 300 entertainment professionals from a wide variety of disciplines converged on the W Hotel in Austin. To say it was a jam packed event would be an understatement, and it’s proof that there are people in a Austin hungry for more connection in the creative realm.
Our hostess Jennifer Hutchins gave a wonderful presentation full of great tips and expert advice, and AEB board members Kiki Teague and Ross Krachey pumped up the crowd. Our special guest speaker was David Hartstein, director and producer. David’s films have been screened at the most prestigious film festivals including Tribeca, SXSW, Sundance, and many more. His advice on making the most out of the experience of going to a film festival was invaluable, especially to the directors in the audience.
I’ve written about other Austin Entertainment Business meetups before, but this one was different… different enough that I am awake at 6:30 am the next day writing about it (and I’m not fond of early mornings). What makes this meetup different is how focused it is on making Austin a center for film, television, and digital media while connecting businesses to entertainment pros in the United States. I love how it restlessly wishes to connect creatives with hiring managers, how it attracts the top talent in Austin, and how it connects everyone in the entertainment scene together and in such a way that we all benefit.
Truly, Jennifer Hutchins is onto something here, and it’s something we should all get behind. It will make Austin a better city for film, and for film creatives!
Largely, just because a person doesn’t talk openly and bubbly to strangers doesn’t really mean she thinks she is better than anyone else. Introverts are choosey about the people they are around simply because they don’t feel more energized from talking to too many other people at one time.
A noisy album, but ultimately human. Best for late nights when you have nothing else better to do than concoct and execute harmless pranks on other people.
Every time I see this,
I remember this:
An avid artist and explorer, Eric Gill often experimented with all things he found interesting, including all things taboo, too.
Have I ruined Gill Sans for you? I can’t look at that typeface without thinking of Eric Gill in a smock. The shudder is involuntary.
Two folk songs that include choirs of background vocals, cellos, trombones, pedal steel guitar, and free jazz drums (yes, seriously). This record tells the stories of the self-destruction of a family after a loved one passes away as well as how two people willed the sun not to rise during a night of lovemaking.
From Clockwork Music by Arthur W.J.G Ord-Hume
I heard some screw got his lemon kicked in in [sic] that mess-hall kick-over.
Hyman Golden in the Dictionary of Underworld Lingo. Kick-Overs are riots in prison
I was just thinking about how Hans Zimmer tends to choose a key strategically. In his Masterclass, he uses the key of D minor to make it so the strings have something to land on, aka a deep and dark pedal tone. He chose D minor because that key works to establish a pedal tone as well as be a little dark.
This made me wonder about the vibes of specific keys. So, if D Minor is dark, what about F Major? Or Db Minor? No doubt, I’d like to have a better understanding of this!
One statement I hear from other artists is “I hope I’m not being egotistical, but...” Then, the artist tells me of what they created.
I get it. No one wants to be remembered as a narcissist. But perhaps there’s a better way to frame it.
To accomplish a kinder share of our creative output, include the following proviso:
Hey, I created this [work of art, music, etc] and thought to share it with you. I don’t want you to write me back and tell me how much you like it, especially if you don’t. I require no praise, and besides, I’m so slammed that I won’t remember sending this to you in the first place! I’m only sharing it to make your day a little brighter. That’s all. Take good care!
Two people are not needed for this conversation.
Many thanks to Jenny Davis for this bit of conversational kung-fu.
Via Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, Eric Partidge.
I want the book mentioned in this entry: On Feigned and Factitious Diseases, chiefly of Solders and Seamen.
Imagine you are having the most incredible night of dreams. In one, you are whistling a tune on top of a thundercloud. In another, you are speeding far beyond the speed of light in your brand new intergalactic hovercraft. Vivid dreaming is what this Sidekick record is all about.
…analysis looks backwards while design looks forwards.
Absolutely in agreement.